
Teachers Feedback Form On Teachers


Fill this Information:

1. Programme/Course Studied :
2. Name of Department :
3. Semester/Year. :
4. Teacher Name. :

Please rate the teachers on the following parameters using the 4 - point scale shown (A, B , C, D):

Sl.No. Parameter Rating
1. Knowledge base of the teacher (as perceived by you)
2. Communication skills (in terms of articulation and comprehensibility)
3. Sincerity / Commitment of the teacher (in terms of preparedness and interest in taking classes)
4. Interest generated by the teacher in the class
5. Ability to integrate course material with environment / other issues, to provide a broader perspective
6. Accessibility and availability of the teacher in the department for academic consultations
7. Initiative taken in formulating topics/ tests/assignments/examinat ions / seminars and projects
8. Regularity in taking classes
9. Completion of the course in a thorough and satisfactory manner
10. Fairness in evaluating student performance and awarding grades.